Ankle Dystonia Treatment

Dystonia Recovery Program Team

Discover how simple movements can optimise vital brain circuits making Ankle, Leg, or Toe Dystonia treatment possible. Join our global community and witness patients worldwide on their path to healing.

About Dr. Farias Neuroplastic Training Approach

Since 1996, Dr. Joaquin Farias has been at the forefront of providing innovative alternative treatments for patients affected by Ankle Dystonia. He has been a pioneer in developing new theories surrounding Neuroplasticity induced by movement.

Dr. Joaquin Farias is a renowned specialist in treating Dystonia through movement therapy. His primary mission is to offer patients the least invasive and most effective treatment available. Over the years, Dr. Farias has assisted thousands of individuals in reclaiming their lives and livelihoods after being impacted by Dystonia. His groundbreaking work on Dystonia rehabilitation has been presented at prestigious institutions, including Harvard Medical School, McGill University Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto Rehabilitation Sciences Institute, Tokyo University, Toronto Western Hospital, Universidad La Sapienza di Roma, and The European Union.

“Dr. Farias is a kind of clinical genius in his work with the Dystonias. I believe, as time evolves, it will be clear that his work is of historical importance.”

— Dr. Norman Doidge M.D.

Author of The brain that changes itself and The brain’s ways of healing

In 2018, Dr. Farias extended his impact through the creation of the Dystonia Recovery online program, making his alternative protocols for ankle Dystonia rehabilitation accessible to anyone in need.

Will Dr. Farias’ Recovery Program help my Ankle Dystonia?

To date, more than 9,000 Dystonia patients worldwide have created accounts in our program. We are pleased to report that many users grappling with Ankle Dystonia, who have diligently followed the program for a year or more, have witnessed a reduction in their symptoms. This includes a significant decrease in Ankle Dystonia-related pain, improved mobility in the ankle, recovery of the ability to walk and run, reduced spasms, and enhancements in emotional well-being. Some of our members consider themselves recovered after a year of practice, as they have regained substantial function, allowing them to live and work without dystonia interfering in their daily lives. Others continue their training for several years, gradually reducing their symptoms and improving their health and quality of life.

“When I started the program I could not walk, I felt depressed and I had no hope in my life.  I Just finished a 10k, and 1/2 marathon this month and wanted to say thank you for helping me have my life back”

Lydia, USA


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Join the complete online recovery program for dystonia patients.

How Neuroplasticity Facilitates Ankle Dystonia Recovery

Understanding the concept of Neuroplasticity is vital in the context of Ankle Dystonia therapies. It enables the reconfiguration of cortical and subcortical circuits, the integration of alternative regions for modified functions, and plays a pivotal role in recovering from brain injuries. Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt, is a cornerstone of cognitive and physical well-being. Dr. Farias’ Neuroplastic Training employs simple movements to optimize essential brain circuits, making recovery from Ankle Dystonia possible. Patients following our training protocols have experienced remarkable improvements and even complete recovery from Ankle Dystonia.

In the treatment of Ankle Dystonia, acknowledging the brain’s adaptability is essential. The cerebral cortex, originally predisposed to specific functions, can be reshaped through experience and learning.

Physiological plasticity encompasses changes that facilitate the recovery of affected functions, including the formation of new synapses, functional reorganization, incorporation of new regions into established networks, and the activation of alternate pathways. The brain adapts through mechanisms such as dendrite sprouting, functional reorganization, and the engagement of redundant pathways.

Dr. Farias’ Neuroplastic Movement Therapy

Dr. Farias’ Neuroplastic Movement Therapy is an innovative approach designed to target specific problematic movements and overall movement patterns in the body. The therapy aims to identify neural dysfunctions contributing to Ankle Dystonia and systematically reprogram them to promote more desirable movements.

Incremental Task Conditioning

A pivotal aspect of this therapy is the concept of incremental task conditioning. This technique facilitates a gradual shift from existing problematic movement patterns to healthier alternatives. By introducing and reinforcing positive changes step by step, the therapy strives to establish sustainable improvements.

Strength Training and Repetitive Task Performance

Incorporating strength training and repetitive task performance, Dr. Farias’ approach guides the brain toward adopting more desirable movement patterns. These elements enhance the connection between the brain and the body, enabling individuals to gain better control over muscle movements in the affected ankle.

Individualized Exercises for Ankle Dystonia

The hallmark of Dr. Farias’ therapy lies in its highly individualized nature. Tailoring each treatment plan to the patient’s specific condition, preferences, and lifestyle ensures seamless alignment with individual needs. This personalized approach maximizes the potential for successful outcomes.

Join Our Community!

As we continue to explore innovative solutions for Ankle Dystonia treatment, we extend an invitation to join our community. Stay informed, connect with others who share similar experiences, and embark on a collaborative journey toward relief and improved well-being.


In conclusion, Ankle Dystonia, characterized by symptoms such as inversion of the foot, clenched feet, or painful cramping, presents significant challenges. However, Dr. Farias’ Neuroplastic Movement Therapy offers a practical and personalized strategy for those seeking relief. The incorporation of incremental task conditioning, strength training, and a highly individualized approach makes Dr. Farias’ therapy a promising avenue for individuals navigating the complexities of Ankle Dystonia. Stay connected, stay informed, and together let’s pave the way toward a more comfortable and fulfilling life.


In conclusion, Foot Dystonia, marked by symptoms of curled toes, a clenched foot, or painful cramping, presents significant challenges. However, Dr. Farias’ Neuroplastic Movement Therapy offers a practical and personalized strategy for those seeking relief. Incremental task conditioning, strength training, and the highly individualized approach make Dr. Farias’ therapy a promising avenue for individuals navigating the complexities of Foot Dystonia. Stay connected, stay informed, and together let’s pave the way toward a more comfortable and fulfilling life.

Physical Therapy for Dystonia. The Future of Neurorehabilitation

Runners’ Dystonia Treatment


Start your Recovery Journey Today

Join the complete online recovery program for dystonia patients.


“I was diagnosed with Dystonia about 5½ years ago, a few months after hip replacement surgery. Prior to my surgery, I led a very active lifestyle. I did not regain a normal walking gait following my surgery, notwithstanding lots of physical therapy. I was eventually referred to a neurologist who diagnosed my problem as Dystonia. Through my neurologist, I tried Botox and drugs and neither worked and my walking became very impaired. After years of frustration, I began working with people focused on the brain and its impact on movement, and was eventually referred to Dr. Farias. After reading Dr. Farias’ book, Limitless, I attended Dr. Farias’ workshop on foot/leg/ankle Dystonia in Toronto in early December, 2018.

I found Dr. Farias’ workshop very informative and helpful. I was extremely impressed by Dr. Farias’ and his presentation. At the beginning of the workshop, Dr. Farias stated that the goals of the workshop were to get a clear idea of what is wrong and get a clear idea of what I can do to recover function. I believe those goals were soundly achieved. The time during the workshop flew by. I learned much about Dystonia and my specific condition. I feel I now have the tools to regain my mobility. I feel very lucky to have found Dr. Farias and to have attended his workshop.”

Steve Leyton, U.S.A

“I greatly appreciate the time and talent that Dr. Farias shared with all of us this past weekend in Toronto. It was amazing to sit in a room full of people with the same experiences as I have had and then to hear someone like Dr. Farias talk about everything the way he does. I feel emotionally better in a way that I haven’t since all of this started. I trust in what I heard and know that this is what is and more importantly, what it IS NOT! The fear factor with this diagnosis is crippling in itself. Once that is removed from the equation and one can just go on and work on things a day at a time, it’s so liberating. For this, I could never express enough gratitude. Dr. Farias is helping so many and I’m blessed to have been one who met him in-person and got to hear all he had to say for the three days I was there.

I am happy to report that I already feel a bit better and had what I’d call a “good” walk today with my beautiful dog, Ellie. I have also done my exercises as prescribed every day! I will continue to do them and I will continue to check in with you and let you know how I progress.


Mary-Frances, U.S.A

Start your Recovery Journey Today

Join the complete online recovery program for dystonia patients.