Blepharospam Treatment

Dystonia Recovery Program Team

Living with Blepharospasm comes with challenges in finding effective treatments, as conventional options like medications and injections have limitations. Dr. Joaquin Farias, leveraging 25 years of experience treating dystonia patients, introduces an integrative protocol through the Dystonia Recovery program. Developed collaboratively with health providers affected by Dystonia, this natural and accessible approach offers efficient symptom management for patients worldwide in a convenient and affordable manner.


For individuals with Blepharospasm, enhancing quality of life encompasses various treatments, including personalized natural approaches. Treatment options such as medications, botulinum neurotoxin injections, and surgery exhibit varying degrees of effectiveness.

Challenges arise when some patients derive limited benefits from traditional treatments due to preferences for noninvasive methods, concerns about side effects, botulinum toxin resistance, or allergies. Exploring alternatives like Neuroplasticity exercises and meditation instills hope.

Leveraging 25 years of experience in aiding hundreds of Blepharospasm patients, Dr. Joaquin Farias took a significant stride by formulating an integrative complementary rehabilitation protocol for Blepharospasm and Meige’s Syndrome. Accessible online through the Dystonia Recovery Program, this initiative, developed in collaboration with a committed group of health providers (also affected by Dystonia), presents a natural and accessible avenue for numerous patients worldwide to efficiently manage their symptoms.

About Dr. Farias Neuroplastic Training Approach

Since 1996, Dr. Farias has been providing effective alternative treatments for patients affected by dystonia by pioneering new theories on Neuroplasticity induced by movement

Dr. Joaquin Farias is a leading specialist treating dystonia with movement therapy. His personal mission is to enable every patient to be offered the least aggressive and most effective treatment available. Since 1996 Dr. Farias has helped thousands of people to have their lives and livelihoods back after being affected by dystonia. Dr. Farias has presented his work on dystonia rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School, McGill University Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto Rehabilitation sciences Institute, Tokyo University, Toronto Western Hospital, Universidad La Sapienza di Roma and The European Union.

“Dr. Farias is a kind of clinical genius in his work with the Dystonias. I believe, as time evolves, it will be clear that his work is of historical importance.”

— Dr. Norman Doidge M.D.

Author of The brain that changes itself and The brain’s ways of healing

In 2018, Dr. Farias extended his impact through the creation of the Dystonia Recovery online program, making his alternative protocols for Dystonia rehabilitation accessible to anyone in need.

Will Dr. Farias’ Recovery Program help my Blepharospasm?

To date, more than 9,000 Dystonia patients worldwide have created accounts in our program. We are pleased to report that many of our users affected by Blepharospams, who have diligently followed the program for a year or more, have experienced a reduction in their symptoms, including a remarkable decrease in Dystonia pain, major reduction in light sensitivity, the recovery of the ability to walk, a reduction in Blepharospasm balance and visual symptoms, and improvement in their emotional well-being. Some of our members consider themselves recovered after a year of practice, as they have regained substantial function, allowing them to live and work without dystonia interfering in their daily lives. Others continue their training for several years, gradually reducing their symptoms and improving their health and quality of life.

Dr. Farias – I sing your praises over and over because after only two months of your online dystonia treatments for blepharospasm, I recovered from bilateral spasms that ruled my life for 27 years. I am a total convert to neuroplasticity!Benjamin. U.K.

When someone is diagnosed with Blepharospasm, the medical world doesn’t give a person much hope. Dr. Farias’ program gives hope and a way forward. His program addresses the root cause of dystonia. Rather than treating the symptom, it focuses on the source of the problem. To be clear, doing the exercises takes work,  consistency, and daily effort. For those willing to do the work, it can be a heaven-send. Why wouldn’t someone want to put in the work if it could help you get your life back? As I write this, I’ve improved by about 70% over the course of eight months. I highly recommend Dr. Farias’ program!“.  Rob Shallenberger. CEO. Becoming your best. USA

Start your Recovery Journey Today

Join the complete online recovery program for dystonia patients.

How Neuroplasticity can help you recover from Blepharospasm

Understanding Neuroplasticity holds significant importance in Blepharospasm therapies, facilitating the restoration of cortical and subcortical circuits, integrating alternative areas for modified functions, and aiding recovery from brain injuries. Neuroplasticity, the brain’s adaptive capacity, plays a pivotal role in cognitive and physical well-being. Dr. Farias’ Neuroplastic Training employs simple movements to optimize vital brain circuits, making recovery from Blepharospasm possible. Patients adhering to our training protocols have witnessed unprecedented improvements and achieved full recoveries from Blepharospasm.

In the treatment of Blepharospasm, recognizing the brain’s ability to reshape itself is essential. The genetically predetermined functions of the cerebral cortex can be modulated through experiences and learning.

Physiological plasticity encompasses changes that facilitate the recovery of affected functions. This involves creating new synapses, functional reorganization, incorporating new areas into established networks, and recruiting different regions to compensate for losses. The brain adapts through mechanisms like dendrite sprouting, functional reorganization, and activating redundant pathways.

Patients’ Videos

How the Recovery Process for Blepharospasm Work

At the heart of our program is a holistic brain retraining-rehabilitation approach, carefully designed by Dr. Farias to optimise your journey toward overcoming Blepharospasm.

Understanding the Protocol

Blepharospasm, akin to all dystonias, presents a complex condition that demands a comprehensive approach for optimal outcomes. Our program draws from Dr. Farias’ 30 years of research on aiding Dystonia-affected patients. The protocol encompasses various exercises and activities, incorporating Neuroplasticity-based exercises to train the brain pathways impacted by Blepharospasm for improved functionality. The program is enriched with a spectrum of exercises and activities tailored to meet the specific needs of Blepharospasm patients, including Taiji, meditation, eye exercises, eyelid exercises, sensory stimulation, breathing exercises, dance, and relaxation techniques. While it may initially appear overwhelming, be assured that each element has been meticulously chosen to contribute to your holistic recovery.

Getting Started: Step by Step

  1. Educational Foundation: Begin your journey by delving into Dr. Farias’s insightful classes within the Education Course. This foundational step provides crucial insights into the science underpinning our approach and guides you in practicing simple movements daily to enhance your well-being.
  2. Customized Training Protocols: Our rehabilitation protocols for Blepharospasm encompass Dr. Farias’s Neck, Eyelid, and Eye Exercises, coupled with the general protocol integrating Dance, Breathing Exercises, Advanced Breathing Techniques, Relaxation, Meditation, Sensory Stimulation, and Nutrition.
  3. Eyelid Exercises: Dr. Farias advocates a gradual approach, starting with straightforward exercises and progressing to a variety that balances your entire facial muscles to alleviate spasms. Regular practice of these simple motions can induce neuroplasticity, altering the structure and function of your brain. All exercises are designed to be performed gently within your comfort range, suitable for both younger and older individuals with no prior experience required.
  4. Organising Your Daily Schedule: Dedicate a minimum of 45 minutes each day to exercises—15 minutes for breathing, 5 minutes for neck, 10 minutes for eye and eyelid exercises, 10 minutes for facial exercises, and 5 minutes for sensory stimulation. Tailor your routine to your needs, especially if you have Oromandibular symptoms, which necessitate an additional 5 minutes of specific exercises.
  5. Dance Therapy: Infuse dance into your daily routine by choosing from diverse choreographies designed for various dystonias. Dance not only provides physical benefits but also enhances the therapeutic experience.
  6. Relaxation Techniques: Set aside time for the Relaxation Course, where you can select from Music Therapy, Taiji, Yoga, Hypnosis, Meditation, or Kung Fu forms. The calming effects of these practices significantly contribute to your overall recovery.

Personalised Progression and personal assistance

Keep in mind that recovery unfolds gradually, and you’re urged to advance at your individual pace. The platform provides a nurturing community where you can participate in the comments section and community forum. Here, Dr. Farias and his trained staff are readily available to answer your questions and provide the guidance you seek. Our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way.


The Dystonia Nutrition program is designed to assist patients in making informed dietary choices to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and enhance overall well-being. Participants in this nutrition program will have access to curated meal plans and educational videos, offering practical insights into adjusting current eating habits for a healthier lifestyle.

Acknowledging that there’s no universal “diet” for individuals with dystonia, the provided recipes offer flexibility to accommodate diverse nutritional needs. All recipes come with options for gluten-free and dairy-free alternatives. While not specifically tailored to Paleo, vegetarian, or vegan diets, you’re encouraged to customise them to align with your preferred eating style, ensuring a reduction in the intake of foods that may affect those with Blepharospasm.

Emotional Wellbeing

Recognizing dystonia’s impact on critical brain regions governing movement, emotion, behavior, and cognitive processing, Dr. Farias’ program adopts a comprehensive approach that acknowledges the coexistence of affective-emotional challenges with motor symptoms.

Individuals dealing with Blepharospasm often grapple with various emotions like persistent sadness, loneliness, and emotional blocks attributed to a prefrontal deficit. This deficit significantly contributes to the high prevalence of depression and other emotional disturbances.

Dr. Farias’ program understands the concept of stress-symptom feedback loops and highlights the importance of breaking this cycle. Interventions, including exercises, relaxation techniques, and addressing emotional stress, are recommended to simultaneously enhance both movement and emotional symptoms.

Dr. Farias’ program underscores the intrinsic connection between psychological elements and the therapeutic process, providing a beacon of hope for a more positive future. We emphasize the compassionate management of both movement and emotional aspects throughout the dystonia recovery journey.

Dancing Movement Therapy

Dr. Farias’ rehabilitation initiative highlights the healing potential of dance and movement for those with Dystonia. Through incorporating therapeutic movements into exercises and dance routines, the program targets the movement irregularities linked to Dystonia. It underscores the favorable influence of enjoyable activities, such as dancing, on neural circuitry. The platform’s professional dance instructors, some facing Dystonia themselves, curate choreographies tailored to be therapeutic while accommodating physical limitations. For individuals affected by Dystonia, dance and movement serve as a form of medicine, offering positive reinforcement and fortifying the weakened neural circuitry affected by the condition.

Your Journey Begins Now

Start your path to recovery by enrolling in the Dystonia Recovery Program. Consistently watch the videos, create your personalised training regimen, and actively engage with the community. Together, we will unlock the door to a future liberated from the constraints of Blepharospasm.

Start your Recovery Journey Today

Join the complete online recovery program for dystonia patients.


“All I can say is WOW! The blepharospasm workshop with Dr. Farias was incredible and so helpful.

I have suffered with blepharospasm for 4 years and this was the first time I’ve encountered someone who completely understands every aspect of dystonia – the physical, emotional, psychological, and social elements.

Dr. Farias is a genius. He was knowledgable, compassionate, funny, and inspirational. I felt like he completely understood me without even really knowing me – he just gets it!

He helped me to put the pieces together of what contributed to this condition developing and how to deal with it. I now have many exercises to work on and other lifestyle changes to make. I feel empowered now that I have tangible things to work on that were personalized for what my body needs.

It was also so helpful to spend time with the 5 other participants in the workshop. I had never met anyone with blepharospasm in person before and it was comforting to share our experiences and know that we are not alone. I appreciated my husband being invited to attend as well. He found it extremely interesting and is excited to help me at home.

I plan to faithfully work on the exercises every day and keep a positive attitude. I am hopeful for the first time that I can work to improve this condition.

Thank you, Dr. Farias!”

Sondra Payne, USA

When I was diagnosed with Blepharospasm in late January 2012, It became quite clear that Botox was not the treatment for me.I n April a womenposted about a Doctor Fariason the BEB bulletin board, who has help many people with dystonia and was about to begin research on Blepharospasm. I found Dr. Farias’s web site, Iread his two books, ‘Intertwined’ and ‘Rebellion of the Body’. I was convinced that Dr. Farias could help me.

I sent a e-mail asking for a appointment . By June 13, I had my first session with Dr. Farias.

Dr. Farias has the unique ability to see into ones soul, where dystonia begins. Dr. Farias explained that rehabilitation is a process of gently peeling back layers to find your cause, only then can stabilization begin.

This past year has had it’s ups and downs but I always knew that Dr. Farias was just a e-mail away. Always responding with a brilliancy of being able to diagnose and give me sound advise on why I was fluctuating and then educating and enlighteningme on how to move forward again.

With the type of dystonia I have, there will be many fluctuations. I know that now, because I was so gently taught this and that stabilization will become the norm. I know , with Dr. Farias’s genius approachto Dystonia that this goal is attainable.

I am, and will forever be grateful to Dr. Farias, who with his calming and patient guidance has helped me find my way to recovery.”

Michelle Tricano, USA

“A diagnosis of blepharospasm felt like a life sentence with no chance of parole.

After participating in the workshop with Dr. Farias, I have a much better understanding of my condition but more importantly, a new sense of hope.

I went in looking for someone to make me better and found someone who taught me that I can make myself better.

Anyone suffering from dystonia must meet Dr. Farias – he is amazing!”

Bessie Bretanos


“I really enjoyed the workshop and found it very usefu, so many tips …..and it helped me to understand more deeply this condition i have that regular medicine does not have any understanding about.

Joaquin was able to help us understand so much more and I found that very interesting, thrilling and reassuring.

I feel much more finely tuned in with how my body feels and what I feel and have got now many tools to help relax the spasms in the face.

Also I feel now I can discover more and more ways how to relax the muscles.

I am looking forward to practice and discover more ways to relax the face and body.

I am very thankful for the workshop and happy that i decided to come.

Many thanks to Joaquin, this really helps me to be more comfortable in my body and make my life more enjoyable!           

With gratitude and love” 



“I thankfully found Dr Farias mentioned on the Wikipedia page for blepharospasm. I had become symptomatic and was desperate for some help. My father, his twin brother and their mother all had forms of Dystonia and I had seen the toll it had taken on their lives. Furthermore, although I was in the early stage of the disease my neurologist explained that there was little she could do for me once my symptoms became pronounced short of Botox. If things progressed extensively we discussed brain surgery although that had clear drawbacks. I visited Dr Farias’ website, contacted him and was at a seminar in Toronto within months. I cannot express how hopeful I feel after the visit. Dr Farias provided a thoughtful, safe, and enlightening environment where each member of our small group could benefit. He is brilliant and his bedside manner is wonderful. His credentials are impeccable and I’m hopeful that thousands of other Dystonia patients have a chance to benefit from his practical ideas and exercises. The Doctor clearly has a track record of unparalleled success with all matter of Dystonic conditions. His teaching and methods have the proven potential to restore a normal life to those who have a potentially insidious disease.”

Doug Patt, AIA


“It is hard to believe that just last week I was in Toronto getting ready to walk to Dr. Farias’s       seminar/workshop on Blepharospasm. As someone who has struggled with this disorder for at least 10 years, Dr. Farias was, to me, the embodiment of what a physician should be – kind, knowledgable, wise, instructive, and caring. The kind of doctor I have searched for for years to help me. Even though it is hard to know what “brilliant’” means, I would easily use this word to describe him. I feel that his subjective experiences and academic/medical knowledge of dystonia have, accompanied with the humility and compassion of his apparent and heartfelt philosophy, developed a unique and immensely hopeful approach to the healing of my (and various) dystonia afflictions. 

Listening to Dr. Farias was like having s light come into a darkened room. For me it has changed the feelings loneliness, frustration, and hopelessness I have felt for so many years. Because of his own work with neuroplasticity and his desire to understand and help those afflicted, I feel truly fortunate to have been able to have gone to see him. I am very grateful for the change it has brought into my life. 

Dr. Farias stood before the 7 of us without papers to read from, with openness to participants’ questions and needs, and offered what seemed like unlimited, applicable, valuable and hopeful information. His kindness and thoughtfulness were present during the whole time we were together. I originally was somewhat disappointed when I saw we would only be in the seminar for 4 hours each day, but after one day of discussion, exercises, and vast material, I was relieved to have this structure and felt that after each day. 

I am usually someone who has something critical to say in my analysis of presentations, people and things in general, but for this experience with Dr. Farias. I cannot, on reflection, see how I could suggest any way of improving the seminar/workshop or his presentation. 

Dr. Farias is a treasure up there in Toronto. I personally would recommend him to anyone who suffers with dystonia. He brings the power of healing back to the individual and encourages, through exercises, knowledge , self-compassion, hope, and understanding, a way to get back one’s life from the grip of this disorder.”

Susan Sanders


“Thank you so very much. My time spent there was nothing short of transformative. I believe Dr Farias’ work is a groundbreaking step toward an explanation and a cure to Dystonia, through the practical use of Neuroplasticity principles. 



“I attended a workshop on bletharospasm with Joaquín Farias, I have tried many other

Therapies without success.

I would like to say that I had high hopes for this Blepharospasm workshop, but they were surpassed hugely by Dr Farias knowledge, observational skills and brilliant delivery.

To say he is an inspiration is a gross understatement. His attention to detail, sense of humour and unfailing patience were truly remarkable, particularly as the workshop wasn’t even in his native tongue and we were many different nationalities as well as personalities.

Both my husband and I, were riveted and truly amazed by what he was able to achieve with various participants and the problems they had, enabling movements and control which none of us would have believed possible before meeting him.

I am just about to finish his book “Limitless”, which I have found fascinating and am amazed, as well as highly respectful of, his depth of knowledge and understanding of the brain and nervous system.

Reading about Dr Farias’s own journey is a real privilege and I appreciate hugely his sharing that with us, to show that we can learn what can be possible if you put your mind to it.

We are most grateful for the huge amount of work he has put into researching this condition and sharing it with us, so that we may try our best to gain control of our lives again. I cannot praise Joaquín highly enough! He knows everything you need to know on the subject and explains it so well, which gave me confidence to practice all his recommendations.

I would urge anyone with any form or dystonia to see him.”

Barbara Kilbey-Brown


“I am without words after my BEB workshop with dr Farias. He is an extremely intelligent and educated man. I could not believe that I had the privilege to meet him. Before coming to the seminar, I was thinking how lucky I was to live in the same province with him and to have the opportunity to go to his seminar as I was reading pleads from people all over the world for him to go to their country to hold workshops there . I was so impressed with him as he was able to discuss all our problems from a scientific approach and also breaking down information for us to understand. He showed us solutions to what seemed a problem with no solution. In my humble opinion he is more knowledgeable than any MD I have seen regarding BEB. Not only that, but he cares and he treated us with respect and showed us that he was on our side. It is not an easy fix, but it can be done! My deepest respect”

Luminita D.


“I developed the first signs of dystonia as blepharospasm in early 2018. Because I suspected the nature of my symptoms were neurological and insisted I see a specialist I was quickly diagnosed. My condition had worsened to include more of my face, and being an advocate of integrative medicine, I soon realized that I was not going to get the help I was seeking by following the well trodden path of drugs and Botox, the only treatments that were offered to me.

Prior to this I already had a long fascination with neuroplasticity and had read Dr Norman Doidge’s books purely out of interest. I knew what I was looking for so when I connected Doidge to Dr Farias it was really a no brainer for me…pardon the pun.

It took a huge effort and the support of family and friends to travel from Australia to Toronto to attend the workshops and it is something I will always be grateful for.

What struck me especially was not only Dr. Farias’ unique and in-depth knowledge of dystonia but also his gift in communicating complex information in a way that makes absolute sense. Participants could understand and more importantly, experience, the power of the exercises in their own bodies within the short time of being in the workshop. It was an empowering and transforming moment, having that first glimpse of mind and body working together so effectively to control dystonic symptoms, and as Dr. Farias encouragingly says, “if you can do it once you can do it again”. This gives me not just hope but a real conviction that with time, patience and dedication I can become asymptomatic and recover from dystonia.

Dr. Farias is one of a kind. An intelligent, compassionate and kind-hearted individual who you will find is generous and extremely thoughtful in answering any questions.

I wouldn’t hesitate to do it all again in a heartbeat, so worth it!”

Eve Sawa


Frequently asked questions about the program

Blepharospasm Patients’ Recovery Stories

Recovering from Benign Essential Blepharospasm. A patient experience

Recovering from Meige Syndrome and finding hope. A patient experience

Start your Recovery Journey Today

Join the complete online recovery program for dystonia patients.